Investment and Funding Partners

NeighborWorks Capital investment and funding partners share our vision of a more equitable capital landscape and work with us to empower community-based and community-driven initiatives. We provide an efficient and responsible avenue for our partners to reach more broadly and deeply to improve the lives of families in diverse communities across the country. We work with a range of partners, including banks and other community development financial institutions, impact investors, foundations, and other philanthropic entities:

As a CDFI serving the NeighborWorks America network, we deploy funds to highly capable organizations working in communities across the country.

NeighborWorks America comprises nearly 250 strong, capable nonprofit housing and community development organizations. One or more of these organizations are likely driving positive community change in your area today.

NeighborWorks America organizations are:

  • Nationwide. Working in all 50 states plus DC and Puerto Rico
  • Locally driven. These nonprofits grew out of the communities they serve.  Local voices are included and valued.  At least one-third of board members are residents of the communities the organization serves.
  • Operating in communities that are often overlooked or underserved.
  • At the forefront of efforts to achieve justice, equity, and inclusion for decades.
  • Drivers of affordable housing production:  Collectively, they are one of the largest producers of single-family and multifamily housing in the country.
  • Innovators.  Not only are they a large producer of housing, but they also undertake challenging and innovative developments.

NeighborWorks America network organizations are effective because they are resident-led, centered around equity, and truly representative of their community’s goals. Many are working in smaller urban, rural, and Native communities that other nationally focused organizations don’t reach. NeighborWorks Capital is uniquely positioned to reach these resident-driven organizations to create healthier and more equitable communities of opportunity.

Whether our investment and funding partners are seeking proven and equitable impact across an entire region or in a single neighborhood, we help them meet their impact goals. Our financial and operational strength, coupled with NeighborWorks America’s structure for support, accountability, and demonstrated effectiveness, offers a direct path for partners to move money efficiently and responsibly at scale into often-overlooked communities, and achieve the highest impact from every dollar of support.

By becoming an investment and funding partner with NeighborWorks Capital, your support:

Makes the greatest impact with national scale that’s locally driven.

Our NeighborWorks America customer base gives us the ability to deploy funds at a financial and geographic scale that far exceeds other opportunities.

Helps break down barriers to create more equitable and inclusive community engagement and empower local resident leadership.

Unlike many community development approaches that impose solutions from the outside, our NeighborWorks America customer base uses a community-first approach driven by the voices and aspirations of local residents.

Reaches the hard-to-reach places where they’re needed most.

Unlike other national intermediaries that primarily serve large metro areas, we can help you reach urban, suburban, rural, and Native communities. With us, your funds get to the often-overlooked communities and to the people who are working for equity and inclusion in their own neighborhoods.

Works as hard as the people they serve.

Funds can support a wide variety of affordable housing and community development initiatives, allowing us to target your support to achieve any number of purposes.

Demonstrated financial and operational strength and sustainability

S&P Global Ratings, the world’s leading provider of independent credit ratings, assigned NeighborWorks Capital its first-ever issuer credit rating of ‘A+/Stable.’ S&P Global noted several compelling indicators that guided its strong rating, including our financial strength with an above-average net-equity-to-assets ratio, profitability with an above-average net interest margin, adequate liquidity, and a strong management team and board members. View the announcement and the full analysis report.

NeighborWorks Capital has been Aeris-rated since 2011 and currently has a three-star Impact Management rating, showing strong alignment of our impact mission, strategies, activities, and data that guide our lending, programs, and planning. We also have an AA- Financial Strength and Performance Rating, demonstrating very strong financial performance and risk management practices.

We have consistently achieved an annual positive change in net assets, currently over $60 million, and since our inception, have deployed over $500 million in loan capital to NeighborWorks network organizations. 

Learn More

To learn more about NeighborWorks Capital, you can review our audited financial statements, annual reports, and strategic plans. Click the button to visit our Publications page to review these documents and more. 

Contact Us

If you are interested in exploring ways we can partner together, please contact Matt Glatting, Chief Financial Officer. 


Matt Glatting

Chief Financial Officer