Loan Capital

For Real Estate Development & Capacity Building

Providing members of the NeighborWorks network with flexible, patient loan capital for property and site acquisition, predevelopment expenses, construction, rehabilitation, refinancing higher cost or maturing debt, and enterprise capital to build capacity or expand your business.
Rendering for multifamily housing development

Lanie Wasserman

Senior Loan Officer

Mike Haas

Senior Loan Officer

Loan Capital

NeighborWorks Capital supports the high-impact community development projects and growth opportunities of every member of the NeighborWorks network by providing competitively priced, fixed-rate loan capital with flexible terms. As a NeighborWorks organization, you can use these loans for a wide range of needs including property and site acquisition, predevelopment expenses, construction, rehabilitation, refinancing higher cost or maturing debt, and enterprise capital to build capacity or expand your business.

The Right Loan

To serve the breadth of NeighborWorks organizations well, we have an experienced team of lenders and portfolio managers ready to respond to your project challenges, from the earliest planning for new development to long-term financing for the preservation of affordable homes to capital to support a new business opportunity. Our flexibility comes from our long-term experience lending to the NeighborWorks network, the creativity of our team, and the capital we use to make our loans. Our financing solutions don’t have to fit tightly into narrow boxes; we want to craft a solution that fits you and your needs.

This line of credit is transformative for us as an organization and allows us to increase impact and outcomes in the immediate short-term and the long-term. The properties we are able to rapidly develop are essential resources for residents. They change people’s lives by providing services, resources, and opportunities. The line of credit allows us to be responsive in ways that organizations usually can’t be.
Tess Watts
Communications Manager, New Kensington Community Development Corporation

Close on your timeline

Our lending team works to underwrite and close your loan quickly and on your schedule. From your first call through final closing, your loan officer works to meet your needs and keep your project on track.

We consider each funding request with your project goals and deadlines in mind. Your mission is to provide affordable homes that strengthen communities. We understand NeighborWorks organizations, and we’re here to provide funding solutions that meet your needs and fit your timeline.

Achieving your affordable housing and community development goals takes time, perseverance, and responsive funding. We’ll work with you to meet your needs and timeline.

Neighborworks America ogranizaions members groundbreaking a new development

Contact a Loan Officer to start exploring your options!


Lanie Wasserman

Senior Loan Officer

Mike Haas

Senior Loan Officer

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