Welcome Maya Dickens, Loan Closing Manager

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We are excited to have Maya Dickens join the NeighborWorks Capital Lending team. She oversees the entire process of getting a loan from approval to closed and funded, guiding borrowers along a winding (and sometimes challenging) path. Prior to NeighborWorks Capital, Maya managed commercial loan closings at Industrial Bank and at Capital One, leading teams and improving customer-focused processes; and working with a wide range of real estate developers, investors, and loan syndicators. We asked Maya to tell us a little more about herself… 

What keeps you interested in Community Development finance? I come from a low-to-moderate income community where we are lacking so many resources, be it affordable housing, decent grocery stores, after school programs or job training. Such resources strengthen communities and give people hope. To have access to those resources requires developers and business owners to invest in the community, which can be hard to do if you must overcome the obstacle of securing finance from a traditional bank with rigid requirements. CDFIs take the time to understand the work its customers are aiming to accomplish and will craft a loan to fit their unique needs. They offer greater flexibility that is necessary for the complex and, oftentimes, lengthy transactions. We always say, “No two loans are alike.” That’s definitely the case in Community Development finance! It keeps it interesting and is also satisfying to play a small part in helping communities that are familiar to me.

What is your personal mission? How will your work with NeighborWorks Capital advance that? My personal mission is not work-related at all. My personal mission is to protect my peace and enjoy my family. That is most important to me. Too many people have lost loved ones or are dealing with sick family members, job losses, etc. during the pandemic, and the world seems so divided and tumultuous right now. I am grateful for all that I have, so I try to surround myself with positivity and spend as much time as possible with my loved ones. I leave work at work the minute I log off.What drew you to NeighborWorks Capital? Simple: The mission. Piggybacking off my first answer, I wanted to be a part of a meaningful organization whose focus is to help provide affordable homes and vital services for underserved communities.

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